Non Profit CEO Pays Life Experience Forward by Preparing Young Ladies for the Ultimate Prom Experience

All I Know Incorporated hosted their 3rd Annual ‘You are Worthy’ Prom Dress event at Frank H. Peterson Academies of Technology. Thanks to the generous support of the community, hundreds of formal gowns and dresses, shoes, accessories, handbags and makeup were donated to local female students who otherwise did not have the means to attend their senior prom

On the day of the event, each young lady is received by a personal to help them define their personal style and inner beauty. Participants are allowed to try on as many dresses as she likes until she finds the perfect dress. The experience is not over there. Then the young ladies move on to view shoes and accessories, followed by hair, makeup, nails and a professional photograph.

Dozens of volunteers were filled with the anticipation of impacting the lives of deserving young ladies across northeast Florida.

One of the participants, Nia Marshman attended the event and enjoyed the process of trying on dresses until she found just the right one. After receiving the glamour treatment, she began weeping. “I just lost my mother a few months ago and one of her dying wishes was to see me wear blue and go to the prom,” she said. When she spotted a perfect fitting blue dress, she knew it was meant to be.

This was especially a big deal since the teen usually only wears her favorite colors of red and black.  All items the young ladies select are theirs to keep.

Claresa Baggs, the President and CEO of All I Know Incorporated stated, “We want to teach young ladies how to give and receive compliments.  We aim to teach them that others can pour into you without wanting something in return. The young ladies learn that they are deserving of being valued and loved,” said Baggs. She continued, “The program provides insight into how to dress for a formal occasion. Many of the young ladies have never attended a formal affair nor is there anyone in their circle of influence to teach them.”

To meet the needs of the 60 young ladies, Baggs and her coalition of volunteers begin collecting the day after the prom via social media and online talk show platforms.  There are five core workers and dozens of volunteers to bring the prom event to fruition. For All I know, Inc. it doesn’t stop there. They also have backpack and coat drives to support the disadvantaged community.

When asked her what her motivation is to keep it going she shared that someone graciously looked out for her when she was younger and that she will never forget that kindness.

“My motivation and determination has always been to make young girls look pretty on the outside to match their inner beauty. I feel it is my obligation. Someone cared enough to do it for me once and it change my life forever.”


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