Jacksonville Crowned Top U.S. City for Starting a Business in 2024, According to Experts at USA TODAY Blueprint

Shown is business owner and Jax Bridges graduate Lakita Spann, owner of Mr. Potato restaurant congratulating her Jax Bridges Colleagues.

New data study names Jacksonville as the 7th best U.S. city to start a business, with high success rates, large numbers of new businesses and high employment in startups

A record-breaking 5.5 million new U.S. business applications were filed in 2023, but with 18% failing within their 1st year, budding entrepreneurs should increase their chances of success where possible, and a major factor to consider is location.

USA TODAY Blueprint analyzed 8 data points from 46 of the most populous U.S. cities, such as the number of businesses launched, closure rates, the % of households with self employed incomes, GDP growth, and more, to rank the best cities to start a business.

The best cities to start a business – Key findings for Phoenix

  • Jacksonville has the 6th highest Business entry rate: With a Census BD rating of 9.6

  • Jacksonville has a high success rate for businesses: The city ranks 10th overall for net business openings with 1282 more opening than closing in a year

  • The city has the 7th best GDP Growth: At 13.1%
  • Jacksonville has the 12th highest employment in startups: With 4% (1 in 25 jobs)

  • Jacksonville has the no.1 net job creation rate: With a Census BDS Job Creation Rate of 0.2

City Net business births Net job creation rate Business entry rate Business exit rate Employment in startups as % of total employment Households with self-employment Income (%) Unemployment (%) GDP growth (%)
Jacksonville 1282 0.2 13.2 9.6 4.0% 9.6% 3.3% 13.1%

Top 5 Cities and their rankings for each factor

Overall Rank City Net business Births Net Job Creation Rate Business Entry Rate Business  Exit Rate Employment in Startups as % of total employment % of Households with self-employment income Unemployment (Dec 2023) GDP Growth 2021-22
1 Austin, Texas 7 12 5 27 2 6 16 2
2 Miami, Florida 1 19 1 42 4 5 1 10
3 Nashville, Tennessee 14 16 17 12 6 2 2 8
4 Dallas, Texas 3 13 9 22 5 9 27 6
5 Atlanta, Georgia 2 9 3 31 7 13 7 21
6 Phoenix, Arizona 5 3 7 21 9 24 16 15
7 Jacksonville, Florida 10 1 6 18 12 39 13 7
8 Raleigh, North Carolina 12 6 12 14 10 28 10 19
9 Houston, Texas 4 34 11 23 18 11 33 3
10 Tampa, Florida 6 11 4 24 17 32 13 13

Find the full methodology, data, and further analysis of the best cities to start a business in the U.S. here:


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