Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Partners With United Way and TD Bank to Educate Youth on Money Management”

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Partners With United Way and TD Bank to Educate Youth on Money Management”

Submitted By: Ingrid Bethel & Shannan Holloway, BSA/GEMS Committee Co-Chairs

“For the Love of Money!” by the O’Jays was the opening song to motivate and inspire young ladies of the Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy and Dr. Jeanne L. Noble Delta GEMS Institute (“BSA/GEMS”) about the importance of managing their money. On Saturday, March 13, 2016 these young ladies were engaged in two interactive workshops presented by the Jacksonville Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority in partnership with the United Way “RealSense” Campaign and TD Bank.

Rachel Valentine with RealSense gave a dynamic presentation entitled “Setting Financial Goals” during which the young ladies were taken through an exercise in which they were responsible for determining what their spending plan consists of on a daily basis and developing a budget. Courtesy of RealSense, each of the young ladies was provided with resource materials and a calendar that can be used to track their daily expenses in order to create a budget that they can implement.

Glenda Torres of TD Bank had an invaluable dialogue with the young ladies about the importance of saving a portion of their money and possibly using the stock market as a resource in which to save and earn money. During the “Saving and Investing” workshop, the young ladies were involved in an interactive game where they were asked to define terminology associated with the stock market and talk about different companies on Wall Street. Torres also provided each of the young ladies with a TD savings bank that they can use to begin saving their coins.

The BSA/GEMS program is a National Initiative of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority that targets young ladies in middle school and high school to promote leadership and cultural enrichment, as well as educational, social and academic development.

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