Black Star Network Announces Launch of New Shows

By   – NNPA NEWSWIRE — (source: – Black Star Network was launched by veteran journalist Roland Martin on September 2, 2021. Watching the content on the network is free on the Black Star Network app or a desktop computer with a simple email signup and registration at  The Black Star Network can also be viewed on AppleTV, Roku, AmazonFire, YouTube and Facebook.

In addition to Roland Martin Unfiltered, the premiere news show on the network, Black Star will now feature several new shows.

In addition to Roland Martin Unfiltered, the premiere news show on the network, Black Star will now feature several new shows.

The Black Star Network, the only Black owned broadcast network with a daily digital show in the world, is announcing several new shows that will all be up and running in February.

Black Star Network was launched by veteran journalist Roland Martin on September 2, 2021. Watching the content on the network is free on the Black Star Network app or a desktop computer with a simple email signup and registration at  The Black Star Network can also be viewed on AppleTV, Roku, AmazonFire, YouTube and Facebook.

In addition to Roland Martin Unfiltered, the premiere news show on the network, Black Star will now feature several new shows. They are an interview show hosted by Martin called “Rollin’ with Roland, “Get Wealthy” hosted financial guru Deborah Owens, “The Black Table” hosted by Dr. Greg Carr who is the Chair of Howard University’s Afro-American Studies Department, a daily show called “The Culture” hosted by Farajii Muhammad and “Fulfilled” hosted by Dr. Jacquie Hood Martin.

The new shows mark a dramatic expansion of new content for Black Star. More new shows will be featured in 2022 as Black Star builds out and gains more audience in the U.S. and around the world. Martin will be traveling to Liberia in February for the 200th anniversary of Americans to the country.

On January 7, Martin announced the completion of new broadcast studios a block from The White House in Washington, D.C. The new studios include a news desk with an anchor desk, tributes to Black media over 150 years, space for a studio audience, a kitchen area that may feature cooking segments and a sit-down one-on-one interview space.

The new Black Star broadcast studio space features work by Black artists and was built by Black artists and set designers. Eventually Black Star will feature streaming content 24 hours a day and seven days a week.

Lauren Victoria Burke is an independent journalist and the host of the podcast BURKEFILE. She is a political analyst who appears regularly on #RolandMartinUnfiltered. She may be contacted at and on twitter at @LVBurke

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