The yearly event recognizes individuals and corporations who have made significant efforts in the areas of diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity. During the year, the League is involved in a variety of programs that foster regular and open communication between citizens and government. The JUL supports legislation promoting human potential over incarceration, implementing strategies to advocate for the poor and disenfranchised; voter registration, education and providing leadership addressing community disparities.
One of the leagues busiest components are the home ownership financial literacy workshops and seminars focused on providing solutions to help unemployed and underemployed adults, youth and veterans. Capitalizing on STEM, the league focuses on technology to help individuals obtain gainful employment, become self-sufficient with resources to develop and implement initiatives that empower individuals, entrepreneurs, and disadvantaged business entities.
During the luncheon the Urban League presented the awardees with the following awards, Martha Barrett, Senior VP Enterprise Business & Community Engagement, Bank of America (Clanzel T. Brown Humanitarian Award), Dr. Carolyn Tucker, Director and Distinguished Professor, University of Florida (Whitney M. Young National Leadership Award), Eunice Barnum, Chester Aikens Community Advocate Award), Dr. Diana L. Greene, Superintendent Duval County Public Schools Women of Power Award).
Shown l-r is JUL President Richard Danford, Chester Aikens Community Advocate Awardee Eunice Bynum, Jean Aikens and Host Tenikka Hughes.
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