The Beta Alpha Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., held their inaugural March of Dimes Storks Nests symposium to educate pregnant moms on the benefits of participating in the prenatal program.
The Storks Nest is an incentive based prenatal health program for low-income women. Through a partnership of the sorority and the March of Dimes, the Storks Nest encourages women to make and keep prenatal education classes for a healthy childbirth and parenting. Statistics have proven that early intervention is significant to helping women have healthy pregnancies.
Storks Nest Chairperson Jewel Flornoy explained the Storks Nest curriculum, tools, resources and step by step instructions for participation, “We are here to help the pregnant mothers know that we have resources to help them and their baby stay healthy during and after the pregnancy,” she said.
The nine week course begins with eight sessions and ends with a celebratory graduation. Stork’s Nest clients “earn” points toward incentives such as maternity or baby care items though a variety of positive, health-promoting activities: attending prenatal visits, participating in prenatal education classes, stopping at-risk behaviors such as smoking cigarettes and consuming alcoholic beverages, reducing stress, etc. Currently BAZ has partnered with Lutheran Services to refer clients to the program. Shown are BAZ Sorority Sisters and participants listening to Chairperson Jewel Florney prepare clients for the next step session.
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