By James Washington (The Dallas Weekly/NNPA Member)
Today is truly a day that the Lord has made and the more complicated the world gets, the simpler the Word of God is to understand. Often, and do I mean often, I get reminded of the power and seductive nature of ego, pride and the need to control. Or, should I say the need to be in control? Letting go and letting God is a simple concept to say and dare I say, an easy concept to understand? Yet why is it so hard to do? We all know people who can quote scripture backwards and forwards, yet have no faith. We know Christian control freaks who must have the last say and who must be right all the time. I know I sometimes get caught up in constantly trying to rationalize circumstances in order to explain the events of the day, any day, as if by some miracle of intelligence, I am the authority.
It is more often than not, at these times that if I’m blessed and open to receiving the Holy Spirit, that I then get a chance to see the miracles, the nuances, the essence of my life. I am not in control, never have been, never will be and, it’s okay. Giving your life to Christ requires a constant vigil against taking credit or assessing blame. When you focus on service in the name of the Lord, you really do get a chance to see things from a different perspective. You see the service I’m referring to is the selfless kind that neither seeks nor expects reward. The mere act speaks for itself. How much more simple does it have to be? Christ even suggests that God can see into your heart and know your intention. Love God and love your neighbor as you love yourself. It’s so simple, it’s incredible. It’s so simple that if you’re not careful, you’ll miss it altogether. I know I have.
Now on this day, or any day that God has made, let’s take this simple concept and apply it to a very complex world. Behavior should have parameters. Actions should have purpose. We know they have consequences. Intent should always be uppermost in your mind. Now, let’s look back over your yesterday. See how easy it was from the time you got up, until the time you laid down, to succumb to jealousy, pettiness, cruelty, envy and the like? It takes work to be humble, loving, giving and a source of truth all day, every day. It takes willpower and you know the will I’m talking about.
I believe the calling of every Christian is to try. It’s the effort that God expects. It’s the intent He wants. If you’re first seeking the kingdom of heaven, then that quest should have some direct bearing on what you do today, how you perform, what you say and certainly whom you hang out with. I’m fortunate to have known people I believe were truly angels walking. I really do believe there are saints among us and we ignore them all the time because we’re too busy pursuing the world, rather than pursuing God. However, from these living breathing angels, I’ve learned that the battle is not over until you know you’ve already won. The quest is not over until you are born, born again, die and ultimately live forever.”
There’s a line in the movie “Gladiator” that says, “What we do in life…echoes in eternity.” It’s kind of nice to know that Jesus already took care of that eternity thing. All I have to do is get through this life thing. If truth be told, I think I’ve got the easy part. It may not make sense on the surface, but when you stop and think about it, it really is simple. See me. See God. I can do this. I’ve just got to let go, one day at a time, one hour at a time, one person at a time. Try it, just once, try it.
May God bless and keep you, always.
The Dallas Weekly is a member publication of the NNPA. Learn more about becoming a member at NNPA.org.
James Washington is a father, husband, Christian and writer. James is also the owner and publisher of the multimedia company The Dallas Weekly. You can follow James on Twitter at @JAWS_215.
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