Sarah Pasion Named 2019 Teacher of the Year at 28th Annual Eddy Awards

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires,” said William A Ward.  Last week, Sarah Pasion was named the 2019 Florida Blue Duval County Teacher of the Year at the 28th Annual EDDY Awards,  which were hosted by the Jacksonville Public Education Fund (JPEF).

Pasion, a fourth grade math and science teacher at Sadie T. Tillis Elementary, was selected through a community-led process from 182 teachers nominated by public schools in Duval County.

Standing out amongst a superb group of finalists, Ms. Pasion, who grew up in the Philippines, worked wonders in the classrrom.  Her students, who include emergent bilingual students, have shown remarkable progress in learning math, which helped Tillis elementary improve its school grade from an “F” to a “C.”

“Though I’m a product of a different cultural background and values, and from the other part of the globe, I will always strive to motivate and engage all the students of different races in learning [rather] than simply accepting that they are destined to do poorly,” Ms. Pasion wrote in her application for Teacher of the Year.

“Ms. Pasion is a truly exemplary educator who not only expertly helps her fourth graders connect the dots in math class, but — like all great educators — helps them connect the dots to a lifetime of learning and achievement,” Superintendent Dr. Diana Greene said.

“I could not be more impressed with her excellence in teaching, and her clear devotion and dedication that she exhibits for her students. Ms. Pasion is a radiant example of all the amazing and committed educators that comprise Team Duval,” she added.

As the 2019 Florida Blue Duval County Teacher of the Year, Pasion will go on to compete for the statewide title.

In addition to the headlining award, the EDDY Awards also recognized 10 teachers in the Florida Blue Spotlight: Jeffrey Bellamy, Mt. Herman Exceptional Student Center; Susan Dougherty, Frank H. Peterson Academies; Cez Erika Generoso, Mandarin Oaks Elementary School; Jeffrey Horton, Oceanway Middle School; Robert Kennedy, Abess Park Elementary School; Meaghan Wilkes, Whitehouse Elementary School; Janelle Wiggins, Alden Road Exceptional Student Center; Aaron Leatherbarrow, River City Science Academy Innovation; Santrice Redding, Wayman Academy Of The Arts; Octavia Sloan, Kipp Jacksonville Elementary School. The Florida Blue Spotlight teachers, who were selected for demonstrating excellence in the classroom, will receive $500 classroom grants.

Adddition, Michelle Chambers, an instructional coach at John E. Ford Pre K-8 School, won the Axalta All Pro Teacher award and a $5,000 classroom grant, which went to the semifinalist teacher who received the most votes online. Ms. Chambers received more than 12,000 votes from more than 41,000 votes cast in a two-week period.

Pasion and the other four finalists will also participate in a 2-week summer fellowship with JPEF this summer to develop their leadership skills and connect them with leading educators and decision makers.

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