Orange Park Volunteers Send Clothing to Haiti

Some people feel that helping others is the price we all should pay for the blessings we share everyday.  Charles Dickens once said, “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.”

Spiritual Care Volunteers at Orange Park Medical Center Veronica Little and Catherine Kent truly believe in giving back both locally and internationally.  The two super volunteers spend their time providing comfort to patients and their loved ones at the hospital, but their commitment does not stop there.

For 10 years, Little has been taking one to two trips per year to Haiti to make donations to children in need.

Little’s partner, Volunteer Kent, makes hundreds of pieces of clothing each year for the children of Haiti, which are proudly delivered by Little. The community donates material for the clothing and Catherine spends hours making dresses, pants and shirts for Veronica to take with her to Haiti.

“It’s truly a labor of love,” said Little. “When I arrive at the orphanage in Haiti there are children everywhere and some without clothing.” With donated luggage in tow, Veronica will be taking over 150 pieces of clothing made by Catherine to Haiti in April of this year. The group of three volunteers traveling will also take vitamins to the orphanages.

“I don’t have any children. These kids are my babies and to see their faces light up when we show up with clothing is what it’s all about,” added Little.

Orange Park Medical Center’s Senior Chaplain Reese Edwards says the hospital is fortunate to have volunteers that not only give back to their patients, but also take the time to give back all over the world.

On February 16th, the two volunteers were recognized for their efforts and missionary work by the Enfold Ministry at a special ceremony called “Mission to Haiti.”

Shown are the honorees Veronica Little and Catherine Kent.

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