masque: Anniversary Event Showcases Bold City Chapter of The Links, Incorporated’s 25 Years of Friendship and Service

The Bold City Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, celebrated their 25th anniversary last weekend with a bevy of activities for Links, their families and guests. The second chapter in Jacksonville, Bold City was chartered in 1993 as the 247th Chapter in the international organization (currently 289) with chapters throughout the United States, United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

For the past 25 years, the chapter has prided itself on creating grassroots approaches to meeting the needs of the community at large.

Their diverse record of service is expansive.


A “mystery juggler” was part of the evening’s entertainment.

Notably, The Links Leadership Academy is one of many initiatives the Bold City Chapter is an outgrowth of the 51 year old Jacksonville chapter begun in 1966. In its history of ongoing international service to Haiti and Jamaica, the 44 Bold City members have also compiled a HIV/AIDS service directory, raised $10,000 to build a school for South African children, established a leadership academy and performed over 500,000 hours of community service annually.

Currently, the programming focus is dubbed “RISE”, “Reaching Individuals for Self Empowerment.” RISE has been the central program for the past 2 years emphasizing areas critical to the success of college students and the preparation for life after graduation. The program targets areas including personal bra

Coordinating the event’s success was Ivy Archer, Sylvia Perry and Willetta Richie

nding, networking, financial planning, resume building and interviewing skills.

What makes the Links unique is that the organization used friendship as a foundation for their service and social endeavors. The month of November is dedicated to friendship nationally for the entire membership where they focus on reinforcing their bonds.

Over 550 attendees from around the country converged on the Hyatt Hotel Saturday night for “Masque: A Black Tie Celebration.” The event was designed to share life in linkdom through the arts. Attendees went “behind the mask” and public persona of Link life for a glimpse into just what it takes. In addition to live music, there was a juggler representing busy women juggling their time, a contortionist displaying the flexibility required to function in a friendship based organization, a fire eater represented how “hot” their impact is in the community and cultural dancer Brielle showed just how sexy it is when that “Black Girl Magic” happens while working together as women. The program also included a video of the chapter’s activities.
Festivities concluded on Sunday with a Low Country Friendship Crab Boil. The chapter will recess for the summer inspired and invigorated in preparation for the next twenty-five years .

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