Naval Retired Lieutenant Commander Herlena Washington joined her colleagues in Tallahassee to induct the Florida Veterans’ Hall of Fame class of 2019. The FVHOF wall has been under construction since her 2018 induction, and the weekend induction revealed its honorees. Washington is the first and only black woman inducted into the Florida Veterans Hall of Fame.
The State of Florida established the Florida Veterans’ Hall of Fame in 2013 to recognize and honor military veterans who, have made a significant contribution to the State of Florida.
According to Washington, the FVHOF is currently seeking Vietnam Veterans that either served in the Vietnam War or were in the service during the Vietnam War era. Service is 1955 – 1975. If you served during this time, the State wants to recognize, thank, and honor you will with a certificate and a pin for the 50 year Commemoration. If you are a widow of a service member that served during the Vietnam War era you will also receive a special pin and certificate. 9 million Vietnams Vets will be honored in a short period of time. For more details contact Lieutenant Commander Herlena Washington at Herlena.Washington@yahoo.com. Shown is Washington proudly admiring her name in bronze.
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