Legislators Go One on One to Explain Handling Property Insurance

Shown is Senator Davis speaking with Marvette Clark on her homeowner’s insurance policy and next steps.
State Senator Tracie Davis and State Rep Angie Nixon continue to tag team in their governmental efforts to benefit their constituents.  The two recently convened concerned citizens to discuss 2023 property insurance options, updates, adjustments and the high rising cost of home owners insurance in the state of Florida.

The workshop topics included windstorm, flood and property insurance with an emphasis on attorney’s fees and claims lawsuits. Given the high occurrence of hurricanes and company’s reactions, ranging from high deductibles to dropped insured, citizens asked questions how to cover their property.

The various topics of discussion were the catalyst to ease resident’s fears and equip them with the knowledge to process their State of Florida insurance policy applications.

If you have issues or concerns regarding your property insurance contact State Senator Traci Davis office at (904) 359-2575 or State Representative Angie Nixon at (904) 381-6013

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