It Takes a Congregation to Fight a Cause

 Shown l-r is church member’s top row:  Louise Gainers, Juanita Simmons, First Lady Cherie Wiggins, Pastor William Wiggins; front row l-r Annie Whipple, Carolyn Berry, Destiny Woolbright and Alexis Barnes.
Shown l-r is church member’s top row:  Louise Gainers, Juanita Simmons, First Lady Cherie Wiggins, Pastor William Wiggins; front row l-r Annie Whipple, Carolyn Berry, Destiny Woolbright and Alexis Barnes.

By Lynn Jones

As Breast Cancer Awareness Month winds down to a close, Emanuel Missionary Baptist Church held their annual Sunday service for breast cancer survivors and in memoriam of women who transitioned from the disease.  To commemorate the month, Pastor Wiggins sermon centered on the power of healing.  Church members also  participated in the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer 5k Walk to honor and support the breast cancer initiative for African American Women. Black women have a 31% breast cancer mortality rate, the highest of any U.S. racial or ethnic group.  “My sister is a twenty-five year breast cancer survivor and has a vibrant attitude to continue the work to educate women on the importance of early detection,” said parishioner June Barnes who wore pink in her honor,

 Shown l-r is church member’s top row:  Louise Gainers, Juanita Simmons, First Lady Cherie Wiggins, Pastor William Wiggins; front row l-r Annie Whipple, Carolyn Berry, Destiny Woolbright and Alexis Barnes.

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