Duval Lights Up Blue & White for Zetas

Shown are members of the Omega Zeta Zeta Chapter in front of Friendship Fountain.

The Omega Zeta Zeta Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., sent out a county wide call for chapters to converge on the North Bank’s Friendship Fountain, to turn Duval Blue and White in honor of its 105th Founders Day and the sorority sisters did not disappoint! All five chapters from Putnam, St. Johns, Duval and Clay counties gathered to celebrate the sorority’s January 16, 1920 Founders Day.  Hostess Angelica Hogan, President of the Omega Zeta Zeta Chapter welcomed Duval dignitaries, city councilpersons, First Coast National Pan Hellenic officers and friends to the podium to speak words supporting 80 years of service on the First Coast. Founded on the campus of Howard University, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., was founded on the principles of scholarship, service and finer womanhood.

The Northeast Florida chapters work together through service and community partnerships. The sorority’s community partnerships include the Stork’s Nest, a 40-year-old partnership with March of Dimes is a community-based, prenatal, health promotion program for low-income pregnant women;  Adopt-A-School and Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks among thier services to the community.

 “This was an amazing day.  The crowd was in awe of the blue lights on the fountain and we even had the main street Alsop Bridge lit up Blue Too. We are thankful for the support and supporting the first coast,” smiled Angelica Hogan, President OZZ.

For more info chapters contacts below:

Beta Alpha Zeta: www.zphibjax.org/

Omega Zeta Zeta : zetaphibetajacksonville.com/index.ht


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