Delta Impact Focuses on Voting and Census

By Pat Sams – The  Jacksonville (FL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc, in collaboration with their Collective Voice Partners, culminated their Impact weekend with a Get Out to Vote event at Gateway Shopping Center. Delta Impact Weekend August 7-9, 2020, also marked Florida’s first weekend of early voting.

The chapter has been educating the community about the importance of the 2020 election cycle for the past year. Through various platforms and events from flyer distribution and text banking to social media and symposiums. Activities have also included an early voting caravan of more than 50 cars with meal tickets for first time registrants and completion of the 2020 Census. Voices have also hosted two candidate forums (one live the other virtual). Representing several facets of Jacksonville’s urban community, the Collective Voices have represented on the importance of voter mobilization to Jacksonville citizens to galvanize the electorate for November. 

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