Now that restrictions have been lifted, many are finding ways to reconnect with the world. Generation Wow recently presented their signature conference event, ‘CONNECTION,’ in person for the first time in two years last week on at the University of North Florida – Lazzara Theater. Generation WOW exposes girls to the positive and the possible by creating opportunities that help build the future leaders of the world by connecting them to the leaders of today. It is a movement on the rise with a comprehensive platform that includes an annual event, WOW clubs, leadership and personal development workshops, quarterly programming, learning excursions and the opportunity to engage in a year-round mentorship experience.
Conference Explores the Superpower of Connection
The event featured a line-up of speakers and conversations that explored the superpower of CONNECTION. Topics included interdependent connection to nature, why connection to other is vital to our well-being and the power of sports to connect us as fans and global citizens. “We wanted attendee’s to prepare to experience a re-connection to great ideas and dynamic people,” said organizer Angela Spears. Generation Wow CONNECTION conference generated the energy and the positive spirit that abounds when business and community leaders, educators and those who want to be their best come together for this unique experience. Shown are host Tracey Hill and Christina Martin welcoming guest from near and far to the conference.
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