38th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast

The City of Jacksonville, NAACP Jacksonville Branch, Jacksonville Urban League, and JAX Chamber invite the community to celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life, legacy, and service at the 38th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Breakfast [...]

Symphonic Nights at the Movies: Star Wars:

Symphonic Nights at the Movies: Star Wars: A New Hope in Concert is scheduled for January 17th-18th at 7:00 p.m. J Luke Skywalker begins a journey that will change the galaxy in Star Wars: A [...]

Comedian Ms. Pat

Comedian Ms. Pat is on the Comedy Zone schedule, January 17th -19th at 7 p.m. Ms. Pat will bring the jokes on her family, life and TV series! For tickets and more info visit www.comedyzone.com. [...]