We All Can Use A Spit Shine!

Bobby Henry Sr.

By Bobby R. Henry, Sr. – via www.thewestsidegazette.com – “And He caught the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village; and when He had spit on his eyes and put His hands upon him, He asked him, Do you [possibly] see anything?”  Mark 8:23 (Amplified Bible)

While shining my shoes, I discovered that they were shiny on the surface; however, a closer examination revealed some crud in the cracks, frayed laces and deep scuff marks that took away from the shine.

Even though I put forth a good effort, it still wasn’t enough to address and restore the damage that had come from months of abuse and neglect.

I used some fancy up-to-date equipment that consisted of an electrical brush along with sponge-like polish applicators, which was to prevent my hands from getting dirty.

As I worked the polish into the leather, there were areas that I just couldn’t get exactly like I wanted to, using the tools that I had.

As in my life, even though I try, I just can’t get it right all by myself no matter what I use. “Although you wash yourself with soap and use an abundance of cleansing powder, the stain of your guilt is still before me,” declares the Sovereign LORD. Jeremiah 2:22 (NIV)

Despite how much time I spend using different kinds of new stuff, e.g., self-help books, TV ministries, prayer warriors on Facebook, rest, like polishing my shoes using that “fancy stuff” misses the cracks.

To have all the knowledge, either from study or experience or from the transmission of information, it’s still not enough to get that lasting shine (cleaning) that we so desperately need.

“Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.” Psalm 51:2 (KJV)

Having the correct mindset is a great launching platform, but like with all things “having it and not using it is almost as bad as not having it at all.”

Working with the proper Tool, through the necessary channels, will produce wanted results with expectations beyond any that you could imagine. Oh what a shine, what a shine!

There is no pre-existing (something that already existed before something else started) condition needed – only dirty souls. The moral fiber of unconditional love will initiate the cleaning course of action.

“But nothing unworthy will be allowed to enter. No one who is dirty-minded or who tells lies will be there. Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life will be in the city. Revelation 21:27 (Amplified Bible)

I finally had to break down and give my shoes the old technique my daddy taught me, a military boot spit shine.

This process called for me to spit on my shoes and massage the polish and spit together into the leather, generating a gloss that once you put the buffing cloth to it, you can see your face in the shine.

Uniquely finish products come from God’s spit shines. A spit shine that meets the approval of He who is the Great Observer will be your reward, a shine that will last forever.

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10 (Amplified Bible)

“To be cleansed all over inside and out, you need a spit shine from God for an everlasting shine. Only, the Son shines brighter!”

–Bobby R. Henry, Sr.

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