The Gantt Report 1.0

By Lucius Gantt – I encourage the readers of The Gantt Report to join me in extending heartfelt and sincere prayers and condolences to the family of Donald Trump after an “assassination attempt was made on the former President of the United States. Other persons at a recent Trump rally in Pennsylvania were killed or injured.

I too have experienced violence. I was stabbed in the neck with an ice pick when I was about 12 years old. My sister, whom I loved dearly, shot at me with a 12-gauge shotgun when I was about 15 and I was grazed in the leg by a small caliber gunshot when I was a freshman in college.

I never wrote or talked about these incidents a lot because I believed God saved me and God surely protects his soldiers.

When politicians call for people to purchase and own as many guns as they desire people will get shot by accident or shot on purpose.

Politicians, political operatives, and political messengers in America, Africa, and other nations around the world all need bodyguards and other protectors to try to prevent attacks on politicians and political supporters.

I am a gun owner. I’m also NRA Certified, which means I’m able to hit what I aim at. Most people use a 22-target pistol when seeking NRA Certification. I passed the accuracy test for handgun marksmanship using a 45-caliber automatic handgun.

No matter how proficient I am with a firearm, I will never ever seek to shoot someone except in my self-defense or the defense of others.

Sometimes, we all should be careful what we wish for and what we suggest.

When armed insurrectionists are told to go to the United States Capitol and “fight”, people get hurt and people get killed. Political family members are sometimes attacked. Political supporters react and respond to messages that are made by candidates that oftentimes result in mayhem, violence, and death.

Members of both major political parties have experienced political violence. During anti-slavery debates, a southern Democrat in favor of slavery tried to beat an abolitionist Republican to death inside the chambers of Congress. Politicians, and their family members, have been attacked, shot, injured, and killed too many times.

Oh, how the times have changed. Today, politicians campaign on “retribution and revenge”. Politicians block any legislation on gun control, and they tell voters at rallies they can purchase and use any guns and weapons they want to purchase including military-grade assault rifles, sniper rifles, armor-piercing shotgun shells, bump stocks, and other accessories that can kill more victims at one time.

In my mind, no group of Americans have been victimized by violence more than Black people. We have been beaten, whipped, lynched, hung, castrated, bombed, burned, castrated, and poisoned, and too many Black leaders have been shot and killed for fighting for their God-given and political rights. Law enforcers have a 400-year record of violence against Blacks and other people of color.

Political violence and assassination attempts are undesirable, unnecessary, and unappreciated.

We can “fight” with words, and we can fight with votes. If need be, we can fight fire with fire but if it comes to that, we all will suffer injury, mental and physical.

Protect yourself, protect your family, and protect your community by any, and all means necessary.

The Gantt Report’s weapon of choice is the truth!

Stay safe everyone and avoid areas and situations where you might be in danger.

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