Teen STEM Phenom Lauded by City

Shown is Taylor Richardson and Councilman Kevin Carrico. 
S.T.E.M. Curriculum Focus of Student Dreams to Visit the Outer Galaxy
District Four City Councilman Kevin Carrico recently presented Bolles School senior Taylor Richardson with a resolution from the City Council. The resolution recognizes Richardson’s work in literacy, social justice, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), girls and women empowerment.
Carrico read the entirety of the resolution at the presentation, the first he has written in his tenure as council representative, before presenting it to Richardson with friends, family and Bolles faculty looking on. Carrico, vice president of operations for the Boys and Girls Club of Northeast Florida, met Richardson when she was a young girl during a visit to a local club. He recalls being amazed by Richardson’s mission and presence and has followed her advocacy work ever since. M
Richardson is an aspiring astronaut, and she cites astronaut Mae Jemison’s book Find Where the Wind Goes, which she read in the third grade, as the source of her interest in space exploration.

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