The Teach For America (TFA) organization says that it is “A community of change makers and coalition-builders. Leaders who teach, and teachers who lead. “ Some 10 years ago the organization opened its doors in Jacksonville with the goal is making a direct and drastic impact on public education in the city.
Last week, the nonprofit celebrated 10 years in Jacksonville at it’s ‘Lighting the Path’ Celebration. Over 300 people heard from teachers, principals, alumni, community partners and student leaders were on hand to commemorate the moment. Since 2008, TFA has brought in over 600 teachers to hard to staff schools and impacted more than 100,000 students in Duval County. Also joining in the audience were Duval County Superintendent Dr. Diana Greene, Former Jaguars owners Wayne and Delores Weave.
Newly elected School Board member and Executive Director or Teach For America, Darryl Willie, announced at the event that he will be transitioning from his executive seat to focus on his role as a board member. He stated, “Regardless of the role I am in, I will always keep students at the center.”
“They are our light and will lead us towards brighter tomorrows,” said Willie.
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