On November 12, the Ritz Theatre and Museum re-introduced, Dr. Julia Walker Brown, a successful businesswoman of African-American heritage and showcased her contributions in shaping the educational fabric of the African-Americans in the Jacksonville community. Dr. Julia Walker Brown became a steadfast pillar in the African- American community of Jacksonville, Florida in 1917 when she and her first husband, Mr. Richard Wendell Walker opened the Walkers Commercial and Vocational College at 417 Y2 Broad Street and then eventually moved to 9th and Myrtle Avenue. She owned and operated Walkers Commercial and Vocational College for over 50 years. Her school served as a transitional bridge for veterans returning to civilian life during 1920 through 1970, and to local citizens in the community. The school offered courses in secretarial training, office machines, bookkeeping, accounting and insurance. There was also a trade division, teaching courses in upholstering, tailoring, dressmaking, and radio and television. Dr. Julia Walker Brown graduated from Florida A&M University and has been honored many times for her efforts in the field of business education and for her service to the community.
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