Rep. Tracie Davis Takes Pre-Natal Approach to Community Care

Rep. Tracie Davis and Faye Johnson Chief Executive Officer Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition, prepare to give this baby bathtub to an expectant mom during the baby shower.
On Saturday, Sept. 25th, Representative Tracie Davis (D-Jacksonville) partnered with Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition’s The Magnolia Project and Healthy Start programs to host the fifth annual community baby shower for expectant and new mothers.
The baby shower is a FREE drive-thru event and aims to provide mothers with the tools they need to raise happy and healthy infants as well as increase awareness for the high infant mortality numbers we experience in Jacksonville. Infant mortality is the death of an infant before his or her first birthday and is an indicator of a community’s health. In 2019, there were 7.9 infant deaths per 1,000 live births in Jacksonville, which is significantly higher than the state (6 deaths) and nation (5.8 deaths).
“Bringing our community together to provide our new and expectant mothers with the tools they need to care for their newborn is invaluable,” said Representative Davis. “For the fifth year in a row, it has been my pleasure to surround these families with the love, education, resources, and encouragement that is key to establishing a solid foundation and bright future for all of our children.”
This marks the fifth year of the partnership with Representative Davis and the Northeast Florida Healthy Start Coalition, a nonprofit dedicated to reducing infant death and improving the health of pregnant women, babies, fathers and their families.

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