Legendary DJ Tom Joyner, known as the “Flyjock,” recently announced his retirement from broadcasting in December and is looking forward to retirement with a purpose. In celebration of his upcoming departure from the airwaves, he hosted his 25th confab dubbed the Tom Joyner Family Reunion in Orlando, Fl.
Joyner transformed radio when he began disc jockeying in the Dallas and Chicago markets. Every day to report to his shift, Tom flew from Dallas to Chicago to host his radio show that featured news, interviews and live performances targeting African Americans.
This year’s reunion, held traditional over the Labor Day weekend, brings families together from around the country. Festivities include a free Allstate Family Expo that features daily health screenings, co-host Sybil’s Book Club readings, workshops and opportunities to network and mingle with families and celebrities for a day of photo-ops, and fun in the Florida sun! Also included in the family reunion packages are nightly concerts for children and parents to enjoy.
Opening up the reunion weekend is a breakfast and Backyard Party with the Tom Joyner Morning Show Crew. Friday concerts included comedian Guy Torry, Brownstone and Robin Thicke. Saturday evening wrapped up the reunion weekend with Charlie Wilson and The Bonfyre dancers and band members.
“Wow is all I can say. My family and I have been attending the TJFR for ten years and each year we are amazed at the entertainment and the families from near and far. Tom is dedicated to HBCUs, black health and wealth. We respect his mission and his purpose,” said Retired Naval Commander Herlena Washington. Shown is see photos…
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