Northside Ministers Demonstrate Strength in Number

Shown l-r Pastor James Henry (Summerville Baptist Church), Mission CEo Ju'Coby Pittman-Peele, Reverend Betty Pittman (St. Luke Holiness Church) and Pat Henry.
Collaborating as change agents through their combined ministries, the Northside Ministers Alliance (NMA) partners to demonstrate strength and unity to improve community relations and donations. The Clara White Mission was the reicpeint of thier phalanthrpy to feed th ehomeless.  The NMA is a group of independent pastors, ministers, ordained and lay persons that serve and live in the northside community.
“We are committed to collective work with a common purpose and unified focus of watching, worship and warfare,” said member pastor James Henry.  Currently the NMA has extended a call to action and a bond of encouragement for positive uplifting and reliable resources for the homeless, parents and children that are in need of social services. The alliance is comprised of twenty-seven clergy from Northeast Florida, who work together providing outreach, volunteering, food giveaways and health fairs.  Shown l-r Elder Clarence Jones (Faust Temple), Lula Jones, Pastor James Henry (Summerville Baptist Church), Reverend Betty Pittman (St. Luke Holiness Church) and Shade Herring (Eastside Church of God).

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