Natural Night Out Focuses on Hair Tresses and Self Care

Shown is organizer Pat Williams demonstrating on the stylist how to care for natural hair.

The 12th Annual ‘Naturals Night Out,’ returned to the ALOFT Hotel for an evening of beauty, wellness and empowerment.  The sold-out event was hosted and organized by Patricia Williams, a 30 year trained beauty expert, stylist and modeling agency representative. This year’s theme was, ‘Loving my Hair, Loving Me.’ Williams held court facilitating beauty hairversations’ on natural hair style presentations, hair care products and self care options. A plethora of vendors held court touting their products and presented a mini summer fashion presentation.  The highlight of the affair was the opportunity to honor breast cancer survivors, “We incorporated this part of the event to honor breast cancer survivors and also to provide information on early detection. From head to toe, health is wealth,’ said Williams.  Inspiring women to overcome their fears and celebrate their survival, guests stepped to the microphone to speak on their breast cancer journeys challenges and testimonies. Support was secured from the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and Agape Health clinic to assist with mammogram screenings before the diagnosis is big enough to feel or cause symptoms.  Shown is organizer Pat Williams demonstrating on the stylist how to care for natural hair.

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