The buzz is intensifying about the first ever National Black Men’s Convention coming to NW Washington D. C. Wednesday, April 18 through Sunday, April 22 at the Historic Shiloh Baptist Church 1500 9th Street NW Washington D.C. 20001.
Along with the 10,000 Black Men’s March, which is scheduled for Saturday, April 21 at the White House, the upcoming historic convention is a follow-up to the historic 1995 Million Man March, which instructed Black men to continue to organize and take responsibility for their own plight.
National Black Men’s Convention and march goers are tackling core issues such as police murders and Black-on-Black killing, fatherhood support, racism and Donald Trump, police abuse, gentrification, self-defense, education, injustices in the court system and other national challenges facing Black men and the Black race. The entire Black family is welcome.
One of the keynote speakers, Dr. Cornel West says, “I am honored to support the call by Black Lawyers for Justice and Malik Shabazz, Esq. for his courageous stand against the racism and the extreme xenophobia of the Trump administration. For Black male leaders from all over America to come together and collaborate in mass to address our self-development, police brutality and the social and political crisis is admirable.”
The five-day National Black Men’s Convention includes four individual daily national summits on education, finance, justice and politics, and Reparations:
Day 1: April 18, at 5 pm Professor James Smalls, South African lead-educator Baba Amani Buntu, Egyptologist Dr. Tony Browder, Professor Griff, and the best educators in the Black world will conduct a summit on “EDUCATION AND DEFINING BLACK MANHOOD.”
Day 2: Thursday, April 19, at 5 pm, a groundbreaking 5-year Black National Economic Plan is scheduled to be unveiled. Speakers include economic experts Dr. Boyce Watkins, Dr. Claud Anderson (by video), CEO Haki Shakur Ammi, CEO hotel owner Michael V. Roberts, and other financial professionals. The plan will be endorsed by 100 national and regional organizations and serve as the collective model for Blacks in America and worldwide for the next five years.
Day 3: Friday, April 20, at 12 Noon, the “WAR AGAINST THE BLACK MAN SUMMIT” where extensive workshops on mental health, fatherhood, child custody, finance, legal training, relationship counseling, self-defense, anger management, court and expungement issues, gentrification and other subjects critical to Black men will be offered; followed by a POLICE BRUTALITY TOWN HALL at 6 pm.
The daughter of legendary human rights leader Malcolm X, Ms. Ilyasah Shabazz (who also has a book signing at 3 pm) will speak along-side National President of Black Lawyers for Justice and Convention Chairman, Malik Zulu Shabazz, Esq.; Dr. Cornel West, leading national author-activist from Harvard University; Chairman Hashim Nzinga, leader of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense; and District of Columbia, National Civil Rights Attorney Donald M. Temple.
Day 4: Saturday, April 21, the 10,000 Black Men’s March and Rally will convene at the White House under the themes “CONDEMN DONALD TRUMP” and “STOP POLICE KILLINGS AND MURDER.” Rally time is 1 pm – gathering at 11 am in Lafayette Park.
The controversial march on President Donald Trump’s doorstep is expected to draw a massive crowd that will mark open a new political front in the effort to combat the vileness of Trump, whom at least 60% of all Americans believe to be racist, according to recent polls. The recent assassination of Stephon Clark in Sacramento, California, the dropping of the charges in Baton Rouge against the officers who murdered Alton Sterling and countless acts of Trump’s racism and national police killings will be the focus.
Black Lawyers for Justice leader Malik Zulu Shabazz, Esq. says “The families of police murder victims will stand alongside 10,000 Black Men or 100,000 people for that matter, and will be on Donald Trump’s doorstep Saturday, April 21 demanding his immediate resignation or removal from office. The escalating pace of police killings nationwide are international human rights violations and we must seek United Nations assistance and international remedies because the Trump Administration deliberately fails to act on rogue police murderers across this nation.”
Schedule to speak: Dr. Cornel West, the Leadership of the New Black Panther Party, Howard University students, national anti-police brutality and anti-violence groups, Pastor Ted Sutton with Men Against Murder, leaders from the American Indian Movement, National Action Network (D.C.), NAACP, speakers from Black Lives Matter (Ferguson, Missouri; Baltimore, Maryland; Charlottesville, Virginia; Charleston, South Carolina; Sacramento, California) and other racial/police brutality battlegrounds states.
Expected to speak also at the anti-Trump/ anti-police brutality 10,000 Black Men’s effort are also members of the Congressional Black Caucus, Reverend Al Sharpton, Reverend Jesse Jackson and likely quarterback and national activist Colin Kaepernick. More updates to come.
Day 5: Sunday, April 22, the entire day will convene a “REPARATIONS AND HEALING SUMMIT” that will feature Dr. Leonard Jeffries, Mustafa Al-Ansari of the American Institute for Human Rights, Moorish Science Temple, and a bevy of Reparations groups. The Honorable Silis Muhammad, leader of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam and United Nations advocate. Simultaneously workshops and speakers from all over America and the world will train and educate Black men and the entire Black family on critical survival subjects. –end-
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