Nathaniel Glover Continues His Message of Striving for Justice through Literacy

Shown is the sheriff autographing his book for fans Lisa Mays and mother Janice Cross at Cafe Resistance

This past weekend, former Sheriff and Edward Waters University College President Nathaniel Glover signed books of his biography  “Striving for Justice – A Black Sheriff in the Deep South.” Avid readers stood patiently in line to have their book personally autographed by the lifelong lawman known as Jacksonville’s “forever sheriff.”   Conversation inside the bookstore hinged on the sheriffs ability to reach the community via his walks through Duvals roughest neighborhoods, his love for his family, his alma mater Edward Waters University and his dedication to keeping Duval County residents safe.

Born and raised in Jacksonville, Glovers resume heralds his illustrious career of more than 35 years of law enforcement service and his celebrated achievement as the first black sheriff of Jacksonville and the 29th President of Edward Waters University.  “I’m thankful to be here and thankful for the citizens of Jacksonville for entrusting me as their sheriff and friend,” said Glover smiling.

In Striving for Justice, Glover recounts his history making years in police reformation, the values that fuel him as a leader and American citizen, and what he believes will move this country forward toward hope, and healing and surviving against the odds. The book is available on Amazon and local retailers.

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