Local Delta Alumni Chapter Take Advocacy Fight to City Hall

Shown (L-R) are local Delta Sigma Theta members: Irene Walker, Crystal Hagin, the Hon. Terrance Freeman and Juliet Rogers.

The Jacksonville Alumni Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., recently held their second Delta Days at City Hall for 2020. Thirty sorority sisters met with 13 of the Jacksonville City Council members to exchange dialogue and address local issues such as food deserts and Human Trafficking.

While having their ear, the sorors’ suggestions included community gardens and increasing small stores to service areas designated as food deserts. The Council also asked for the chapters assistance with the community that there are startup funds for small groceries stores in the area. To address human trafficking, suggestions included increasing community service officers and more after school programs. 
“Engaging conversation took place between Sorority members and Council members as ways to impact the problem,” said chapter member Pat Sams.

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