Happy Fathers Day – A Message From The Publisher (Westside Gazette)

Bobby Henry Sr.

By Bobby R. Henry, Sr.| “As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with thy likeness.”  –Psalms 17:15 KJV

      What is so difficult about living your life as an example for others to respect? As this relates to men, I will use example to mean a real MAN. I think that the hardest part about living as a real man is letting go of the fear of what others may say about you.

Understanding that a man has to go through many things to acquire the knowledge that he needs to become that man requires wisdom and instructions.

To be able to use discretion is a working tool of reaching maturity. By listening to your loving and caring parents and using their instructions as stepping-stones, you will create a path of fewer heartaches.

Since Father’s Day is near, I want to focus in on the fathers so please excuse me while my attention and directions are towards them and me.


When I was 10-years old, I remember seeing my father on his knees praying and it startled me. I thought praying was only for church. I asked him what was he doing and he told me he was praying. “For what”, I asked and he said, “us”. I never thought

I never thought any more about that until I began to write this piece.

Understanding that being a man means that we have to care about others puts manhood into a whole different arena. We say that we accept our responsibilities and we try to show that we do; but until we see face-to-face and stand stripped of our pride before others for the sake of families, we don’t know what caring about others mean.

Even though my father has always been a God-fearing man, he was not always perfect-but who is?

I saw my father give up his understanding and lean on God. I saw this with my own eyes as it began to happen. Did I believe it at first? No. But when I saw my father deliver a sermon that he had studied for, prepared and written, I then started paying closer attention to him.

My father has always been his own man, so I thought. I now know why he was and is able to do and become what he is.

Yes, his roads were not always straight, his paths were crooked at times and they were dark to those who could not see the light; but he has been able to travel them free from harm and any demons that may jump from the dark because he trusts in God.

I do believe because my earthly teacher, my daddy, has shown me that if we learn to lean on God no matter the circumstances or the hour, we can make a difference.

We can start by shining the light in our families by being the example we want our children to follow. This example must come through the instructions and wisdom of fearing God.

This is not such an arduous task if what you do is not contradictory to what you profess to be.

Aside from putting it all out there for others to see and not being committed to what you acknowledge to be about, there is hardly any room for failure, especially if you are guided by the Good Shepherd.

The trials are going to come regardless, but you can be better equipped to live through them and be better for it.


This will not come without trials and tribulations, which I surmise to be nothing more than tests and these tests will lead to my testimony.
Be the father that you have been called to be and let us keep the cycle of fatherhood going.

For more visit: Happy Father’s Day to all!

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