Great Food Give-a-way Continues Food Distribution to Urban Core

The Food Giveaway hosted by City Councilman Reginald Gaffney and local activists, Dwight Brisbane, Greg Blue and S.W.A.T Radio continues throughout locations in the city. Over 400 families are provided groceries for their family through the collaboration.
Shown receiving and distributing is Janelle Way and Luscious Tutt at the most recent giveaway.
“Helping to support families in need really does my heart good. The positive energy and excitement from the volunteers made the food giveaway even more rewarding,” said Dwight Brisbane.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, families have lost their financial ability to provide a healthy meal for themselves and their family.
The food giveaways will be hosted every month at various locations. For more info contact Dwight Brisbane at (904) 962-8828.

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