For the first time in its 11-year history, the City of Jacksonville, Keep Jacksonville Beautiful’s and Republic Services America Recycling Day event featured both a shred activity and a tree
giveaway in partnership with Greenscape of Jacksonville. Following best practice ideas for COVID era events, the shredding drop off and the tree pickup was staged on a drive thru course. The public were instructed to wear masks and remain in their vehicles. Masked volunteers assisted in removing paper for shredding and placing tree selections in vehicle trunks. The community-wide recycling collection event, is a nationwide initiative by Keep America Beautiful, was held this past Saturday in the parking lot of the Prime Osborn Convention Center in downtown Jacksonville. Last year, more than 4,000 pounds of paper was shred during the event. Greenscape gave away more than 2,000 free trees to residents on a first-come, first-serve basis during the four-hour event. The tree giveaway is part of the annual Arbor Day celebration which was postponed because of Covid concerns. The 3-gallon container trees being given away include the following species: Southern Magnolia, Red Maple, Live Oak Natchez Crape Myrtle and more. Greenscape of Jacksonville began its tree journey in 1975, joined by their desire to improve the Jacksonville landscape. Today, the organization celebrates 45 years and is credited with adding more than 350,000 trees to the local tree canopy. Shown is forester Jon Johnson and Alma Buchanan.

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