Former NFL Wide Receiver Randy Moss is on the Receiving End of Hate Mail About His Tie Tributing Slain Men

Shown is a close up of Moss’ tie and the unveiling of his statue
Shown is a close up of Moss’ tie and the unveiling of his statue

Randy Moss, who was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, says he received hate mail for wearing a tie with names of black men and women shot to death by police or died in police custody.

Moss’s tie listed the names of 12 men and women shot to death by police or police wannabees. Some of the names on his tie, written in gold braid are Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Walter Scott, Sandra Bland and Trayvon Martin. George Zimmerman, a police wannabee, shot and killed an unarmed Trayvon Martin.

During an interview for The Undefeated on ESPN, Moss said on certain websites, people called him a “nigger” and told him to stay in his place.

On the other hand, black athletes who played for the NBA and NFL and members of the black community praised Moss for drawing attention the murders of African Americans by police.

Moss played in the National Football League from 1998 to 2012, mainly for the Minnesota Vikings. Moss, a spectacular wide receiver, was one eight former players inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, which is located in Canton, Ohio.

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