Elisha Taylor III, Aida Correa, Sandra Johnson, Jayla Tapley and Ahubri Dudley.
For African Americans, entrepreneurship has always been important as many Blacks struggled to find jobs after slavery and during the segregation era. Madame CJ Walker, is known as the first Black millionaire. She once said, “I had to make my own living and my own opportunity. But I made it! Don’t sit down and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them.”
That’s the very spirit that local Edward Waters College student Dennis Jackson has shown as both a student and young entrepreneur striving for success. Recently, Jackson was honored at the Impact BizJax Business Expo where he won funding to help him in start his business “Primal Instinct,” a clothing line he has dreampt about for years.
Jackson will soon graduate with his degree and jumpstart to his business. The young business owner is hopeful that other student and potential entrepreneurs at other Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) follow suit. As a business major, one of the testaments to a strong business school at any college is the number of start up businesses that the educational institution helps to foster.
Mr. Jackson also recently had the opportunity to attend the Florida Blogging and Social Media Conference in Orlando, Florida held at Full Sail University. The event focused on growing digital innovation and creativity.
According to several attendees, the conference was a huge success and is growing. The 8th annual convention is attended by business owners, bloggers, social media experts, Podcasters and entrepreneurs.
The theme was fitting as youth, teens and young adults are creating online businesses, creating graphic works of art and producers of content and development of Apps.
William Jackson, teacher and entrepreneurs expressed, “In order for students of all levels to compete, they must have knowledge beyond classroom experiences and they need exposure to networking and mentors. They must be producers of technology innovation not consumers to meet the challenges in their communities.”
Bess Auer the creator of Florida Blogging and Social Media Conference provided opportunities for students from Edward Waters College and Duval County Public Schools to attend, be involved in workshops and encourage all students to learn and apply their learning as future entrepreneurs.
The next technology event in Florida is WordCamp Orlando, Florida where William Jackson (My Quest To Teach) and Aida Correa (Love Built Life) are speakers and organizers for the KIDSCAMP.
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