Don’t Get On The Bus

Bobby Henry Sr.

By Bobby Henry, Sr. (Publisher Westside Gazette) – Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 (NIV)

No matter who wins the presidential election, as the publisher of the Westside Gazette I am a firm believer in what’s best for all people. We are asking for those who know who they are, have searched their hearts and have “sought wise counsel,” we petition you to begin a new fight. It’s an old strategy with a new twist that brought down a system of inequality.

So this is it, this is only the beginning. The real challenge starts on November 4th. No matter who sits the offices of leadership: local, state or national. Please on November 4th remember one of the greatest boycotts in the history of America was the bus boycott in Montgomery Alabama.

For everybody who believes in justice and equality for us, to not get on the bus of hate. Do not get on the bus of racism. Do not to get on the bus of police brutality. Do not to get on the bus of self-pity or self-hate. Don’t get on the bus or put somebody in office just because… and for goodness sake DO NOT GET ON THE BUS OF FEAR!!!

No matter what you’re up against there ain’t nothing new under the sun, but what will make a difference is what you do under the sun.

It’s not rocket science.

Everybody knows the rich man, the educated, the poor man, beggar man and thief. All of us know that if you do the same thing and expect something different then there is some insanity there, and I know we all ain’t crazy.

We will not carry on after November 4th the same-its impossible. You don’t believe me? Look at what the pandemic has done. Look at what our local leadership has done or not has done  to include all of us by excluding some of us.

Hell no! It’s not going to be the same.

To all the freedom fighting soldiers to all the believers, we have to be better than the mailman: no rain, hail, sleet or snow should stop us from doing what’s right for all and not some.

Its time to stop complaining! there are more of us who know the wrongs that are perpetrated against the least. So what are you willing to do?

Think about it. Are you just going to keep right on going and jumping on the bus of doing the same old thing expecting something different?

Or are you willing NOT TO GET ON THE BUS?!

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