Jacksonville City Council member Garrett Dennis recently filed a bill to Amend Chapter 126 of the Procurement Code, relating to Ex-offender Re-entry Requirements and Employment.
It is the policy of the City of Jacksonville that the rehabilitation of ex-offenders is essential in the City’s fight against criminal activity in the community; the hiring of ex-offenders into fair paying jobs helps restore the economic stability of ex-offenders, perpetuates their rehabilitation, reduces recidivism and contributes to a community crime free environment.
Prior to the ordinance, the city of Jacksonville has taken a leading role in the rehabilitation of ex-offenders, and has done so through the City’s ex-offender re-entry programs that provide job training and placement services to ex-offenders.
This bill will require those seeking city contract awards $200,000 or greater to comply with the following:
– To consider for job placement at least one (1) ex-offender per contract award, as applicable, or demonstrate good faith efforts to comply with the ordinance requirements; and
– To actively engage at least (1) one of the City of Jacksonville’s Ex-Offender Program Providers to ascertain if an ex-offender is available for employment.
his bill also requires the Chief of Procurement to provide an annual report to the Mayor and the City Council on the number of ex-offenders hired pursuant to the ordinance.
For additional information, please contact Rupal Wells, Executive Council Aide, 904-630-1395.
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