Car, Cash and Toys Among Wayman Temples Season of Giving

Residents living in the Eureka Gardens Apartments and the surrounding neighborhood were among participants in Wayman Temple’s 10th Annual Community Christmas Fellowship event held Saturday, December 9th on the church grounds.

The standing room only event was stocked with toys and gifts for everyone in attendance. Those in attendance included children and adults who received a gift and took part in several raffles vying for two Kindle Fire tablets, 32-inch flat screen televisions, bicycles and five $50 Visa gift cards.  On Sunday, for the fourth consecutive year, Pastor Mark Griffin surprised a single mother and church member with a new vehicle. This year’s recipient was church member Sister Equana Telfair who received the keys to a Lincoln Navigator. The car, donated by businessman and church member Brother Larry McGlockton, is fully paid for and insured for one month, included a full tank of gas and a $100 gift card.

Ms. Telfair wept, “I thank God for this blessing of transportation. I am more than grateful for Brother Larry McGlockton, pastor Griffin and members for this blessing”.

Various businessmen, church members, community neighbors and city leaders donated the toys; in addition volunteers from Posh Princess pageants, CH2M Florida Communications and church staff volunteered to distribute the toys.

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