Annual Marcus Garvey weekend Promotes Holistic Healing of Body, Mind, Soul and Generational Wealth

Shown l-r sharing traditional tribal drum beats is the Ngomathundar African American Drum Troop members founding James Wright, Jr, Ryan Sinclair Dree Rhodes and Aryeh Sinclair.
The 5th Annual Marcus Garvey weekend, hosted by Masjid Al-Salaam was held last weekend at American Beach. Historic American Beach was the backdrop where participants had the opportunity to apply economic ideas of Marcus Garvey’s vision for the African American community. Mini workshops featured a diverse panel of Pan-Africans in addition to information on the vast resources available in urban centers nationwide.
The keynote speaker for the occasion was Dr. Scott Whitehead, a well know herbalist and author of the book, Medisin: The Causes & Solutions to Disease, Malnutrition, And the Medical Sins That Are Killing the World.  Dr. Scott discussed the causes and solutions to disease, malnutrition and the medical sins of chemicals that are killing African Americans. Hundreds of participants were in attendance to enjoy a DJ, live entertainment and dialogue on cultural misappropriation and next steps for generation wealth.  Shown l-r sharing traditional tribal drum beats is the Ngomathundar African American Drum Troop members founding James Wright, Jr, Ryan Sinclair Dree Rhodes and Aryeh Sinclair.

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