Established in 1930, the Fla Jax Club history stands on the heels of prominent and successful African American male business leaders in Jacksonville Florida. During the 1930’s many African American businessmen were eager to share their business acumen to launch a club that would prompt businessmen to execute business to business endeavors, while covering the community with male leadership, higher education, wisdom and knowledge. On Saturday, December 26th the day after Christmas, the Fla Jax Club held its 86th Christmas Ball at the Doubletree Hotel in Downtown Jacksonville. Over 500 people were in attendance to witness Fla Jax new member introductions and installations. The evening’s program also recognized elected officials and special guest. State Representative Mia Jones had the honor of introducing new members, “these gentleman are the links of society and service and they continue the chain of progress in Jax. I am honored for the occasion to introduce these stellar gentlemen.” Fla Jax Club advocacy consists of providing scholarships for students and supporting Historical Black Colleges and University Students. To gain membership into the Fla Jax club, new members are asked to complete an application and be present before the committee for approval. The new member has to be a contributing volunteer and philanthropist to the Jacksonville community. Fla Jax Club boasts a membership of 23 members, current president is realtor George A. Barnes and incoming president is Naval Officer James Andrews. Fla Jax Member Henry Sellers installed new member Godfrey Jenkins. The Fla Jax Club highlight of the evening was the presentation of a $1,000 scholarship presented to Edward Waters College for a deserving student. The room was packed to capacity as guest dined on light hors d’ouerves, dancing, mingling, a comedy show, and meeting new friends for the New Year! For more information on the FLA JAX club, contact member Henry Sellers at (904) 945-3267.
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