2nd Mayors Masked Ball Empowers Local HBCU

Shown is the city's First Man Tim Deegan with wife Mayor Donna Deegan with EWU President wife Tyciee and Dr. Zachary Faison, Jr.
Cynthia & Anthony Barlow
James and Beatrice Andrews with Joyce and Richard Danford

The UNCF (United Negro College Fund) hosted its second Jacksonville Mayor’s Masked Ball at the Hyatt Regency Riverfront.   Over 500 attendees joined Mayor Donna Deegan and and EWU President A. Zachary Faison Jr., J.D. for a formal evening of celebration, entertainment and masks. “I am honored to continue this tradition by serving as co-host. UNCF’s mission of supporting HBCUs and the students who attend them is inspiring, and we are extremely fortunate to have Edward Waters University here in Jacksonville. I’m grateful for the opportunity to support them.” said Mayor Deegan.

Business executive Cleve Warren received the UNCF Champion of Education award

Business executive Cleve Warren received the UNCF Champion of Education award. Philanthropist, educator and former Spelman College President Johnetta Cole instigated a giving frenzy as she stood at the podium for an hour encouraging donations. Edward Waters University is distinctively the state of Florida’s first independent institution of higher learning as well as Florida’s first institution established for the education of African Americans.

UNCF is proud to call Edward Waters University as one of 37 member institutions it supports.  Edward Waters University is the state’s first independent institution of higher learning as well as Florida’s first HBCU.  Having recently earned university status through new academic degree programs and record enrollment increases.

buttressed by new academic degree programs, and experiencing record enrollment increases making EWU Florida’s fastest-growing HBCU, Edward Waters is primed to continue its trajectory towards becoming the State of Florida’s ‘Destination Institution’ of Emerging Eminence.

For 80 years, UNCF has strived to change the HBCU narrative across the nation by equipping more HBCU students with the resources necessary to transition into college, graduate and ultimately expand and diversify America’s highly educated workforce.

For more on EWU visit: https://ewutigerpride.com/splash.aspx?id=splash_1

For more on UNCF visit: www.uncf.org

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