Ribault Legacy Keeps Track Meet at Home

Following the controversy that shadowed the beloved Bob Hayes Track Meet move to the Southside, Olympian Chandra Cheesbororugh decided the sports meet bearing her name will not meet the same fate. Formerly the Trojan Invitational, Cheeseborough stepped in years ago and revived the spectator sports program to include academia awarding.

The 1977 Ribault High School graduate and Olympic Medalist and her team recently held the annual Chandra Cheeseborough Invitational Track and Field Meet at First Coast High School.

Hundreds of athletes participated in races such as the track field  100/3200 meters, high jumps, javelin and triple jump competitions. In addition this year’s invitational was awarded a State of Florida Legislature 100K donation to Chandra Cheeseborough’s ‘Striving for Excellence, Inc.’ non profit. The donation will assist student athletics with scholarships for a higher education, expenses for employee, officials, time keeper, meals for volunteers and workers for the event, tee shirts, trophies, photographer, security and purchase new or repair equipment used in the events.  “With this donation we will be able to increase the amount of giving,” said Cheeseborough.

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