What Are We Doing With The Gift God Has Given Us?

Pastor Brian K. Brown, St. Mark M.B. Church

By Pastor Brian K. Brown, St. Mark M.B. Church – Psalm 118:24 – Every day God grants to us a wonderful gift.  We open our eyes to the beauty of a new day that comes from God where we can experience more of him and do more for him in the day he has provided.  How will you and I interact with the gift?  Some went to bed last night and thought they’d see this gift, but they weren’t privileged with another day.

Pastor Brian K. Brown, St. Mark M.B. Church

The gift of another day has three parts, before you get up, what are you doing during the day; when you get up, what are you doing during the day; and when your deeds are done for the day what will you do after.  Many of us waste days by doing nothing that is beneficial to the kingdom of God or the people in our lives.  We spend too many days, weeks and months doing things that don’t amount to very much.

How should we interact with the gift of another day? Pastor Brown answers the question through various scriptures.  The first response comes from James 1:19, we are to prepare for the gift of another day.  James admonishes listeners to know that everyday God gives us is an opportunity to succeed while Satan’s desire is that we fail.  Only we can determine which path we will take.  So, we should prepare for our new day.  Before we get busy in our day we should listen.

Listen to the Spirit as he speaks through the word; listen as the Spirit admonishes and reminds us of the word we already know, listen to nature, to our body, our mind and heart.  Often, we are in a hurry to do but the most important thing is to listen.  If we listen to God, he will speak instructions about our day and give assignments to us for the day.  Continuing in James 1:19, we are to learn.  Before we assume our responsibilities remember we have a father over us, and we are to listen and learn from him.  Learn the principles God is teaching in the quiet of the morning, instructions he wants to give us so we can have guaranteed success in our day.  Learn to use our mouth less that we use our ears. Allow the Holy Spirit to interface with our spirit as he reminds us that we are wonderfully and fearfully made.  Listen and learn as God puts names in our spirit that are our assignment for the day.

The second response comes from Galatians 6:9 and 10, we are to participate with it.  If we are not doing what God wants us to do, we aren’t participating with our day, instead we’re working against it. In participating in our day, God does not intend for us to be alone.  Participating means interaction with God and people because he created us to be relational.  It is good for us to be active in engaging relationships with God and other people.

Participation means that we will be called upon to interact we people we don’t like, people we don’t know or want to know.  Everyday there are assigned people God wants us to labor to like and love.  Galatians 6:10 tells that as we have opportunity let us love all men (purposing to do good for someone else).  Our participation should begin with God and be part of our entire day so that we receive the assignment God has for us in our day.

The last response comes from Colossians 3:12-17, to process the day.  We miss part of the gift if we don’t evaluate what we did in the day.  We listen and learn from our failures, so they do not follow us into our gift of a new day.  We process the day we went through God by listing all the good things.  Colossians 3:12-17 gives us the good things we should be doing every day.  Was there any evidence in our day that would say we know the Lord?  Were we patient in our day with others?  Do we love those who don’t love us?  Are we peace makers?  Are we thankful in the gift of the day?  Did we live the day in accord with God’s word?

God gave us the gift of another day and is counting on us to be a blessing.  Satan counts on us to use the day to be a disgrace. The choice is ours. Be vigilant in praise to God for each day he gives.  Let today be a better day as we bring betterment to other lives.

We will celebrate the Pastor’s Anniversary on the second Sunday in June with a parking lot service beginning at 8:00 a.m.  Rev. Wayne Thompson will bring the message.  On the third Sunday Father’s Day will be celebrated with a parking lot service beginning at 9:00 a.m.  Please join our live stream service on YouTube @ St Mark MBC each Sunday @ 10:20 and bible study on Wednesdays @ 7:00 p.m. May God continue to bless and keep you.

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