Sigma Gamma Rho mentoring and developing leaders girls, ages 12 – 18, served more than 50 plates of pancakes, sausage and eggs during their Flapjack Fundraiser on September 22. The “Rhoers” had fun as they waited on their mentors as well as family and friends. The griddle was hot as a steady flow of supporters waited patiently for a flapjack at the Applebee’s location on Lane Avenue. The flapjack fundraiser raised money for upcoming community service projects. The emerging leaders other activities include Operation BigBookBag to provide tools and resources to ensure students succeed in school. The Swim 1922 initiative prevents drowning by encouraging the community to learn how to swim; and the Youth Symposium supports youth by addressing issues that negatively impact their future. Shown are the Rhoers waiting for their first customers.
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