Kids Hope Alliance Nutrition Intern Janasia Phillips and Nutrition Outreach Coordinator Michael Whitlock gave campers at JaxPAL’s Eastside Center a hands-on lesson about gardening and nutrition. In addition to helping the students plant their own bell peppers and summer squash, the team discussed with the youth what it means to eat healthy.
Phillips is collaborating with the Kids Hope Alliance to establish a youth-run community garden in one of Jacksonville’s food deserts entitled , “Your Thumb Green Thumb. ” Phillips is currently exploring using a former community garden, now vacant, that would be easy to revive. She has also enlisted the help of local master gardeners to help her test and prepare the soil. Currently, Phillip’s is looking for volunteers to bring her vision to life. If you would like to help her build the garden, email her directly at jphillips6541@tuskegee.edu. Shown are the youth participating in the nutritional gardening workshop.
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