Links’ Focus 2020 Draws Hundreds

Shown above behind Jacksonville Links' president Terri Stepter are the presidents of local organisations including Greek organizations, 100 Black Men and Jack & Jill of America
Andrew Gillum and Terri Stepter
The Jacksonville Chapter of the Links, Incorporated assisted by a consortium of local Black organizations, drew hundreds to Bethel Baptist Church last week for Focus 2020.  The symposium “focused” on the upcoming election season. Veteran politicians and activist addressed the audience and inspired locals to get involved and active in the election process. Also on hand was former Florida gubernatorial candidate and CNN analyst Andrew Gillum and Victor Cora who discussed everything from the importance of the 2020 census to felons voting rights.
Panelists and Moderators
“This isn’t just a town hall,” she said. “It is a collaboration of other civic and service leaders who want what’s best for the city and this states and this country, so collaboratively we want to galvanize that,” said chapter president Terry Stepter.
The Jacksonville (FL) Chapter of The Links, Inc. will partner with New Florida Majority to conduct the first strategy session with Collective Voice Partner organizations on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 6:30 PM at the New Florida Majority Offices, 1010 N. Davis St., Ste. 104.

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