Labor Day Baseball Game Tributes Legendary Union Workers

Shown is General Manager Harold Craw, Lloyd Pearson former member of the Letter Carriers Union and Sollie Mitchell Former secretary/treasurer of the Sleeping Car Porters Union.

The Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp celebrated Labor Day with 18 local unions being honored at the baseball field for their contributions enabling workers to negotiate for higher wages and benefits and improve conditions in the workplace. The unions were introduced to the fans with a parade on the field wearing their union attire. Local International Brotherhood of Electric Workers (IBEW) President of the Central Labor Council Russell Harper threw out the first pitch to a crowd of over 300 baseball fans.

The A. Phillip Randolph Institute (APRI) participated in the fun and held a fundraiser and raised 2K to continue their work archiving the history of the American civil rights union movement. A. Phillip Randolph was the first African American to serve as the President of an International Union, known as the Sleeping Car Porters Union.

Jumbo Shrimp owner Ken Babby and General Manager Harold Craw praised the APRI . Phillip Randolph for their continued fight for workers’ rights and working people of all colors.   Shown is General Manager Harold Craw, Lloyd Pearson former member of the Letter Carriers Union and Sollie Mitchell Former secretary/treasurer of the Sleeping Car Porters Union.

Shown is General Manager Harold Craw, Lloyd Pearson former member of the Letter Carriers Union and Sollie Mitchell Former secretary/treasurer of the Sleeping Car Porters Union.
Shown is General Manager Harold Craw, Lloyd Pearson former member of the Letter Carriers Union and Sollie Mitchell Former secretary/treasurer of the Sleeping Car Porters Union.

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