February is once again upon us, signifying another month filled with a bevy of activities dedicated to Black culture and history. Many still ask, “Do we still need a Black History Month?” The question itself sounds redundant. How many times can you hear about George Washington Carver, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, etc. and the other myriad of African- American Heroes and Sheroes?
Obviously not enough.
With Jacksonville in the spotlight for multiple Stand Your Ground Laws and heinous activities still plaguing Black America, the idea that yes – “success does run in our race” is obviously not instilled in the masses.
The historical relevance of African-Americans helping out their less fortunate is all but gone with the exception of a faithful few as the great divide between the haves and the have-nots grow wider and wider.
“Yes the murder rate is bad,” began one Free Press reader who stopped by our offices, “But as long as you’re not around that kind, you should be ok,” they said.
Not really. Statistics say a Black man is more likely to die at the hands of another Black man more than any other force in the universe.
More than AIDS, Stroke, heart attack, drugs or any random attack of violence. Furthermore, the only statistic exceeding a Black woman being killed by her spouse is that of a Black man being killed by his.
During the days of segregation we depended on each other for everything from services and entertainment to healthcare and information.
Not so today. Black businesses struggle to survive and a recent study showed Black patients randomly thought white doctors were more intelligent.Continued on page
And that is just the tip of the iceberg of how far we as a people have descended from the collective unity of our yesterdays.
Yes we need a Black History Month. Matter of fact, we need a Black History Brainwashing. Black people haven’t endured 300 years of slavery and Jim Crow to become the most parallel paradox of being the most successful and despairing immigrant of all time for nothing.
It seems as if we have taken advantage of the very best and worst opportunities available to us and everyone ran in different directions.
As an educated reader, we implore you to take advantage of the opportunities this month to learn and reenergize your thoughts and self during this month of cultural indulgence.
We at the Free Press will do our best to make sure you are aware of the opportunities (many of them free) available to you in hopes that the the reminders of sacrifice, brilliance and struggle will remind us that we’ve come too far to turn back now.
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