| Vice President Kamala Harris has a political career that is classic textbook. She leveraged her legal training at the University of California into a position in the District Attorney’s office. Then she ran for San Francisco District Attorney, beating the incumbent in a runoff election. She came out on top of a crowded Democratic primary for California Attorney General, and narrowly defeated her Republican opponent for the office in 2010.She overwhelmingly beat her Republican opponent when she ran for re-election in 2014. When she ran for the United States Senate in 2016, she garnered twice as many votes as the next-highest vote getter, and in the final election earned more than 60 percent of the vote.
The Vice-President’s electoral history is well-known, and I recount it for a reason. Kamala Harris earned increasing responsibility by running for office and winning. There is no diversity, equity and inclusion in electoral politics. The only way you move up is to get more votes than your opponent. If there is any DEI in the Harris record, it’s Definitely Earned It.
Throw a little “San ‘Francisco liberal” in there to complete the predictable cocktail of slurs and attacks. No one is surprised by the Trump slurs, as the former President is amazingly consistent in his approach to his opponents. Indeed, the inarticulate nature of his slurs leads one to question his mental competency and suggest that he be tested for his comprehension. One wonders how his verbal vomit will survive any international negotiations.
Kamala Harris is used to the lies, the slurs, the white male disdain. She’s had to deal with that through much of her career, as most women in power have. Trump is an expert at disparaging women, attacking their looks (Carly Fiorina, E. Jean Carroll), their clothing (Nicky Haley), their mental acuity (Nancy Pelosi) and more. All I say to these rabid Republicans is, ”bring it”. Vice President Kamala Devi Harris is time enough for you. Mr. Vance has described the Harris candidacy as a “gut punch” to the Trump-Vance ticket.
Instead of campaigning against a Biden they’d described as “old” and feeble, they’ve got an opponent who is young, energetic and vital. Instead of debating the Biden who failed to challenge Trump on his incessant lies in the late June debate, he will be debating the prosecutor who sliced and diced Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearing. Vice President Harris is not a gut punch, she is a knockout punch. She has definitely earned the nomination of her party, and indeed the presidency.
Dr. Julianne Malveaux, a DC based economist and author, is a columnist for the Trice Edney News Wire.
Dr. Julianne Malveaux: Kamala Harris Definitely Earned It (DEI)
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