December is almost over. As you look back over 2019, reflect not only on what you did to help take care of others, but what you did to take care of yourself. For many of us, we get wrapped up into caring for others (family and friends) so much that we overlook the need to take care of ourselves.

Healthcare issues are the number one cause of death in America. And there are as many men as women who have health concerns that could be life threatening. In addition, the eyes can be affected from health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and many other conditions. Most times, people will neglect their eye health if they do not have any problems ‘seeing’ things. But some of the most serious eye conditions (like glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy, and tumors) can develop without causing any immediate problems with eyesight.
So, I am urging you to make sure you include yourself in the list of people you plan to take care of before the end of this year and in the coming New Year. In fact, it would be best to put yourself first on the list to make sure that you will be healthy enough to continue taking care of the ones you love.
It has been a pleasure writing articles to help increase awareness of eye conditions and eye health all this year. Vision is about more than just having 20/20 eyesight. Good vision starts with having healthy eyes and a healthy body. Make your 2021 resolution to take care of you!
If you are in need of an eye care provider, I welcome you to EnVision Eye Care.
For appointments, call (912) 927-0707 and visit us at www.envisionsavannah.com
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