Entrepreneurial Leaders: Now is the Time to Advocate for Your Business Survival Through COVID-19

Dr. Valecia "Dr. V" Dunbar, DM, MPA Entrepreneurial Leadership Coach

COVID-19 Business Resources @TheTrueDrV

 (1) How are you feeling? What are you anxious about? (2) What business challenges do you anticipate? (3) How do you plan to solve these challenges? What solutions have you found? (4) What do you need?

Over the past few weeks of social distancing due to #COVID-19, I have been checking in with clients and members of my weekly business lab. The purpose of the call is to ask four questions:

(1) How are you feeling? What are you anxious about? (2) What business challenges do you anticipate? (3) How do you plan to solve these challenges? What solutions have you found? (4) What do you need?

The hard silence to the last question reminded me of an article I posted nearly two years ago titled: Business Women: Do You Really Know What You Want?

In the article, I shared my experience with a female campus president who said during our initial meeting, in a tone of exhaustion and frustration, “We don’t know what we want.”

I took note that she didn’t say we didn’t know ‘how to ask,’ because I had asked. What stuck out to me was her question gave me the impression that what she was really saying is that we don’t know “what to ask for.”

Today, business owners everywhere are struggling with this new environment.

I too must complete my own actions. What I want are relationships that will lead to opportunities to expand and grow my business.

My next step is to now create a list of engagements and individuals who may be helpful to complete these actions. The list will include the specific details on how I intend to accomplish each action and when using my SMARTER goals model. I’ve set a goal of accomplishing an action sheet each week.

Knowing what you need is an important exercise that will help manage your business and personal priorities and ensure you don’t overlook key shortcomings or resources that will help you to grow your business and fulfill your dreams. This is the first step to asking for what you want and then be clear about what to ask for is specific to getting the outcome you seek.

Do you know what to ask for?

For information on COVID-19 Business assistance programs, follow me on Facebook @TheTrueDrV and @TheCenterForConfidence

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